String Time Crystal » Nonlinear two-level dynamics of quantum time crystals, Autti, et al., 2020 » CrystalH 1

Nonlinear two-level dynamics of quantum time crystals, Autti, et al., 2020

The key distinction of Equation (1) from a conventional two-level Hamiltonian lies in the variable ωB[NB(t)], which stems from a nonlinear feedback mechanism of the spin-orbit trap. This feedback causes the trap to expand with a high local magnon density, altering the distribution of L and consequently reducing ωB. This process, depicted in figure below, …

String Time Crystal » Time crystals: Review, Sacha, et al., 2017 » Sacha2017

Time crystals: Review, Sacha, et al., 2017

Continuous time translation symmetry is a fundamental concept observed in time-independent many-body systems. This symmetry implies that the laws of physics remain consistent over time, meaning the behavior of the system does not change as time progresses. In such systems, the properties and dynamics do not depend on when they are observed; they are invariant …