Polar and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Spontaneous Ferroelectric Nematic Phases

String Time Crystal » Polar and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Spontaneous Ferroelectric Nematic Phases » helimolecules
Molecular structure of ferroelectric helical phase, formed spontaneously from achiral molecules

The exploration of liquid crystals has taken a significant turn with recent findings published in the June 2024 issue of Science , where researchers have documented the spontaneous emergence of both polar and chiral properties in ferroelectric nematic phases. This groundbreaking research, spearheaded by Jakub Karcz and his team, showcases a unique phase of liquid crystals where achiral molecules organize into chiral structures without external chiral influences, driven purely by intrinsic electric dipole interactions.

Dual Symmetry Breaking discovery

String Time Crystal » Polar and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Spontaneous Ferroelectric Nematic Phases » heliconical

Traditionally, chiral structures in liquid crystals have been induced either by the molecular shape or by the addition of chiral substances. However, the new ferroelectric nematic phase described by Karcz et al. breaks away from this convention. It demonstrates how electric dipole interactions, analogous to magnetic interactions in spin systems, can lead to a complex chiral order. This phenomenon is akin to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction observed in magnetic materials, which compels magnetic moments to align in non-trivial, often chiral patterns.

In these novel materials, the molecules arrange themselves in a heliconical pattern where the pitch—the distance over which the helical structure repeats—is comparable to the wavelength of visible light. This arrangement not only allows for the selective reflection of light, a property tunable by changes in temperature or the application of an electric field but also introduces a new mechanism for controlling light in advanced optical applications.

Experimental Methodology: Unraveling Polar and Chiral Properties

The experimental approach taken by Jakub Karcz and his team was meticulously designed to probe the emergence of polar and chiral properties in ferroelectric nematic phases. This section delves into the specific techniques and tools used to discover and characterize these groundbreaking properties.

String Time Crystal » Polar and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Spontaneous Ferroelectric Nematic Phases » sunthesis

Synthesis of Nematic Phases: The study began with the synthesis of a novel ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal compound, which does not inherently possess chiral properties. This compound was designed to have a strong electric dipole moment aligned along the molecular axis, essential for the development of ferroelectric properties in the nematic phase. The chemical synthesis involved multiple steps, ensuring the precise arrangement and orientation of functional groups to enhance the polar interactions responsible for the emergent chirality.

Characterization Techniques:

  • Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC): Used to determine the thermal properties of the synthesized compounds, identifying the temperature ranges over which the material transitions between different phases.
  • Polarized Optical Microscopy (POM): Key for visually assessing the molecular alignment and the texture of the phases, allowing direct observation of the heliconical structure formation.
  • X-ray Diffraction: Pivotal in confirming the non-collinear arrangement of electric dipoles, providing insights into the molecular spacing and orientation.
  • Electro-optical Measurements: Conducted to study the material’s response to electric fields, crucial for demonstrating the ability to control the helical pitch and reflection properties.

Implications for Technology and Theory

The implications of these findings are profound, opening up potential applications in fields ranging from advanced display technologies to sensors and beyond. For instance, materials that can change their optical properties in response to environmental stimuli are crucial for the development of responsive, energy-efficient smart materials and devices.


The discovery of polar and chiral symmetry breaking in spontaneous ferroelectric nematic phases marks a notable advancement in the field of materials science. As we continue to explore the full implications of these findings, the integration of such materials into practical applications looms on the horizon, promising a new era of material functionality that harnesses the intricate interplay of polarity and chirality for technological innovation.


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J K, J H, N R, P K, E G, J S, et al. Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in polar fluid-heliconical ferroelectric nematic phase. PubMed [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2024 Jul 21]; Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38843325/

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